Esbjerg Brygge 28
6700 Esbjerg
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H. C. Andersens Blvd. 45
1553 København V
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Dalgasgade 21, 2
7400 Herning
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Bredgade 67
6900 Skjern
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The legal status of the farming industry

Recently, the farming industry has undergone a transformation which means that a farm today is considered a manufacturing company on equal terms with other manufacturing companies within the traditional business sector.

Today, the modern farmer is a business manager, and this has induced heavy demands to the advisers of the farming industry.

The practice group “Landbrugets Retsforhold” (the legal status of the farming industry) consists of competent and highly qualified lawyers and assistants who all have great knowledge of and experience with agricultural law.

The practice group is specialised within the following areas:

  • Succession
  • Forms of ownership within the farming industry
  • Sale and purchase of farms


The practice group has assisted in connection with succession regarding both minor and major farms. We wish to create solutions, which will secure both the company, the family, and the capital.

Forms of ownership within the farming industry

The modern farm has developed into a modern business. However, the form of ownership has not always developed in the same way.

Our highly specialised team offers advice on choice of form of ownership and establishment of companies.

The advice is based on a specific evaluation with focus on matching the needs, strategy, and future prospects of both the company and of the owner of the company.

When deciding on the right form of ownership, we will focus on the fiscal aspects – this is a natural part of our counselling.

Sale and purchase of farms

We wish to create value, regardless of whether you are the buyer or the seller. 

A business transfer requires proper planning and preparation, and therefore it is important to involve one’s advisers in the process at an early stage. This way, we will be able to contribute with both our commercial and legal knowledge in order to decide on the right strategy. 

Danske Landbrugsadvokater (the Danish Agricultural Lawyers’ Association)

All lawyers in the practice group are members of the association Danske Landbrugsadvokater. 

Danske Landbrugsadvokater is an association of lawyers interested and engaged in the agricultural industry. The association organises courses and focuses on professional sparring among the members of the association.  

Ejerformer i landbruget
22 Jun 2018

Den moderne landbrugsbedrift har udviklet sig til at være en produktionsvirksomhed og det stiller krav til valg af ejerform.

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Lovforslag om ændring af Landbrugsstøtteloven
25 Jan 2018

Pant i betalingsrettigheder - nyt lovforslag sikrer gamle pantsætninger.

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Støtte til landbrugere
19 Jan 2018

Det bliver lettere for investorer at agere i landbruget - og støttesatsen for unge landbrugere fordobles.

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EU støtte
30 Aug 2017

Hvor hører EU-støtten til i en landbrugskonkurs?

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