Bitten is a qualified legal assistant and she has been engaged in the handling of bankrupt estates, restructurings, property in possession of a mortgagee, and distressed properties for more than 20 years.
Bitten is a qualified legal assistant and she has been engaged in the handling of bankrupt estates, restructurings, property in possession of a mortgagee, and distressed properties for more than 20 years.
Through many years of specialised case handling, Bitten is familiar with all legal and practical aspects in connection with the administration of bankrupt estates, and she works with a very high degree of independence and has a strong knowledge within project management. Consequently, Bitten is able to provide a high level of service to mortgagees and other creditors.
Bitten has handled huge bankrupt estates and business transfers in this connection as well as a large number of bankrupt estates in the agricultural sector and has thus gained a specialised knowledge in this field.
It is essential for Bitten to be able to work independently and to accomplish the tasks with a high level of service, high professional standards and quickness, and to take great pleasure and professional pride in her work.